This is the second year that the Shabby Vintage Junk Extravaganza has been held. The leadership for this event is provided by the indefatigable Tamara. Many of the favourites from last year will be there again this year along with some new participants.
Please let me declare my interest. My daughter, Herself, was one of last year's participants and will be there again this year. She has masses of stuff to offer. See one of her collages below. And there is the most charming old-fashioned rocking horse.
To find out more about last year's wonderful Extravaganza, please go to one of my other blogs, The Trad Pad.
Please note: this year there are Early Bird Tickets. This gets you in for a special one hour of shopping prior to the main opening time. It is the Early Bird who truly catches the worm, so if you pay for that premium ticket you will get the premium pick. I do know though that the stall-holders have so much stuff that stalls won't be emptied by 1pm.