
A message from Brigid ....

I have been a blogger since 2005. At the height of my blogging busy-ness, I had "a small stable" of blogs on different topics: social and political commentary; desert spirituality; food; waste and ....

A few years ago I called time and ceased blogging altogether - although there was an occasional post. I had called it quits. I am an aged woman these days with a couple of serious illnesses. I am not allowed to drive. I am no longer active in organisations. I think it fair to say that I am housebound. I am active on Facebook, although I am not there as often as once I was. I have decided to embark on a re-entry into the blogging world ... beginning with The Trad Pad and, possibly, a return to my food blog, Oz Tucker. I have always used a lot of photographs on my blogs ... and I miss not being out and about with my camera.

The Trad Pad has been my blog for the lovely things of life. The controversial or political has seldom intruded. Occasionally, the spiritual has found its way in, but I kept spirituality for the blog, Desert. I don't yet know if I will revive that. I will stick pretty much to food and the lovely things of life. If I have some regularity with those two categories, I feel that I will be doing well. I hope that, with this blog new friendships can be formed and old friendships renewed; new lovelies discovered; new reflections can enter into the meaning of modern life. I would love to hear from you - particularly if you have suggestions for new topics to enter into the conversation. So, it is a new year. Let's see what it has in store, what it can bring to us. And I hope that those who share the spirit of The Trad Pad can spread the message of a world of beauty, the creativity of humanity, and the joys of simplicity and tradition. ~~~ February, 2017

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Burdekin Falls Dam in flood - 15 January 2007
Growing up and spending most of my life in North Queensland (Bowen, Townsville, Mount Isa), the great economic myth was to dam the Burdekin River - a mighty river in full and unimpeded flood. Then one day it did get built. The pictures above are from a gallery of pictures of the current North Queensland floods which can be accessed at The Townsville Bulletin website.
Spent a bit of time on the phone yesterday afternoon checking family were OK. My son is OK - he lives in South Townsville and it does not seem to be affected by the flooding where he is - but then that is near the mouth of the Ross River. Similarly with my friends Don and Pam who also live in South Townsville. Spoke to my sister-in-law - and they're OK. Although my niece had to go home from work (Telstra) mid afternoon because their multi-storey building in South Townsville was leaking.
My niece's home backs down to Ross River just below the Ross River Dam so I think there will be plenty of people getting out their tyres for a float down the river .The pictures of streets in Thuringowa underwater (ie Rivergum Court and Alan John and Yvette Streets) bring no element of surprise. Actually surprised Hammond Way was not rating a mention. Some of those areas should never have been built upon.
We assume from the location of the flooding that the unit Herself used to own in Hyde Park has gone under again - it has flooded twice before. There are pumps that service the drainage system in that area but they habitually fail for one reason or another. So - as you can see from The Bulletin's gallery - a lot of people (with the exception of those with damaged vehicles) are enjoying the fun in typical North Queensland fashion.

1 comment:

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hmmm, dramatic photos. My brother in law spent a couple of weeks down here recently, he lives in a Brisbane suburb, and was telling us about the conditions there. Although, I guess, further north it may have been much worse.
I wish they could send some water down here ... Sydney is copping it now ... maybe it'll be our turn for some decent rain soon.
Take care, Meow
